Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us using the form below. Alternatively, you can write to us at: Whitney Farm, Horton, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 0SJ or use email address .
Directions to Goose Slade Farm: Slade Farm is situated just a short distance from Yeovil, easily accessible from the A37. Leaving Yeovil on the A37 towards Dorchester you will pass through one roundabout, then after half a mile turn right, take the next left and the farm is on your left. Goose Slade Farm, East Coker, Somerset, BA22 9AJ.
Directions to Whitney Farm: On A303 at the Ilminster "Southfields" roundabout take the A358 for Chard, take first turning right for Horton and Broadway. In Horton turn left opposite the Five Dials Inn, continue for ¼ mile, Whitney Farm is the first house on the left after the bridge. Alternatively visit Google Map.
Order Now!
Our free range Somerset Beef boxes and Christmas Geese are available to order now and orders can be delivered either direct to your door or collected from Goose Slade Farm.